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107 properties found
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  • Bluebell Gardens (1)
    Extra Care
    Bluebell Gardens Bluebells Gardens, Hollway Road, BRISTOL , BS14 8AB
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £114.42 - £168.62 per week
  • Alice Bye Court (5)
    Extra Care
    Alice Bye Court Alice Bye Court, Bluecoats, THATCHAM , RG18 4AE
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £156.75 - £183.84 per week
  • Willow Bank 10
    Extra Care
    Willow Bank Court Willow Bank, Willow Close, Poulton, WALLASEY , CH44 4EZ
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £120.31 - £161.11 per week
  • Mendell Court (11)
    Extra Care
    Mendell Court Mendell Court, Mendell Close, Bromborough, WIRRAL , CH62 7JP
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £118.07 - £163.95 per week
  • 0890 Rosaire Court 007
    Extra Care
    Rosaire Court and Gardens Rosaire Court & Gardens, St Peter Port, GUERNSEY , GY1 1XW
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £167.54 - £167.54 per week
  • Casson Court Courtyard
    Extra Care
    Casson Court Casson Court, Church Street, THORNE , DN8 5BB
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £117.29 - £156.41 per week
  • Saxon Court (9)
    Extra Care
    Saxon Court Saxon Court, 300 Turves Green Road, Northfield, BIRMINGHAM , B31 4BY
    2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £122.77 - £161.22 per week
  • Lady Ida Lodge Entrance
    Extra Care
    Lady Ida Lodge Lady Ida Lodge, Oak Park Lane, Cookridge, LEEDS , LS16 6FT
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £141.24 - £141.24 per week
  • Newton House Courtyard
    Extra Care
    Newton House Newton House, Newton Road, PENRITH , CA11 9FY
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £136.91 - £161.82 per week
  • IMG 1879
    Extra Care
    Quarry House Quarry House, Calleywell Lane, Aldington, KENT , TN25 7FZ
    1 & 2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £141.39 - £166.5 per week
  • 4210 Webb Ellis Court 001
    Extra Care
    Webb Ellis Court Webb Ellis Court, Pettiver Crescent, RUGBY , CV21 4JJ
    2 bedroom properties
    Rent from: £162.13 - £162.13 per week

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