Our performance: Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023

Every year we undertake an annual survey to find out how satisfied residents are with the services provided by Housing 21. We used a census methodology to conduct our 2023 resident survey, which means that we send a survey to every household, as opposed to a representative sample.

The anonymous survey incorporates 12 questions relating to 22 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). The other 10 measures are captured through our performance data. 

Under the new Social Housing Regulation Act, from 2024 onwards, all social housing landlords (such as Housing 21), must record performance against these key measurables. This is to ensure residents are living in acceptable standards of housing and can hold failing landlords to account.

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures focus on five key themes, which contribute to the overall satisfaction levels:

  • Keeping properties in good repair
  • Building safety and safety checks
  • Respectful and helpful engagement
  • Effective handling of complaints
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

Click this link to see our latest Tenant Satisfaction Measures for 2023-2024

Performance against the TSMs is reported below, broken down by rented and shared ownership residents, where applicable. 

  • Position statement

    At Housing 21, we value our residents’ feedback and continuously strive to improve their living experience. Our recently conducted Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) survey (2023) provides valuable insights into our performance, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

    We are pleased to share the results with you and report that for 2023 our overall satisfaction rate is as follows (broken down by stock):

    • Residents in rented properties: 86.6 percent 
    • Residents in shared ownership properties: 79.7 percent

    However, we know that there is still work to be done and both Extra Care and Retirement Living colleagues are working to address those areas where our approach needs improving.

    Our TSM survey results serve as a compass, guiding us toward excellence and we will use them to inform our services, improve what we do and prioritise for the future.

  • Keeping properties in good repair

    We want all residents to feel safe at home by ensuring the necessary checks and repairs are undertaken when required. We organise repairs at a local level and prioritise the timeframe depending upon the urgency

    • Percentage of homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard: 100 percent
    • Satisfaction with the overall repairs' service: 86.8 percent
    • Satisfaction with time taken to complete repairs: 82.9 percent
    • Percentage of non-emergency repairs completed within the target timescale: 80.2 percent
    • Percentage of emergency repairs completed within the target timescale: 73.2 percent
    • Satisfaction with how well homes are maintained: 87 percent 
  • Building safety and safety checks

    We want all residents to feel safe at home by ensuring the necessary checks and repairs are undertaken when required. We organise repairs at a local level and prioritise the timeframe depending upon the urgency

    • Percentage of residents who are satisfied their home is safe
      • Residents in rented properties: 88.7 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 83.2 percent
    • Completion of gas safety checks: 100 percent
    • Completion of fire safety checks: 100 percent
    • Completion of asbestos safety checks: 100 percent
    • Completion of water safety checks: 100 percent
    • Completion of lift safety checks: 99.5 percent
  • Respectful and helpful engagement

    As a responsible landlord, we need to ensure all information is made accessible to residents and engage with individuals in a respectful way where their views are heard and acted upon.

    • Satisfaction with how Housing 21 keeps residents informed about the issues that matter:
      • Residents in rented properties: 83 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 76.6 percent
    • Satisfaction that resident views are listened to and acted upon:
      • Residents in rented properties: 73 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 68.9 percent
    • Agree that Housing 21 treats residents fairly and with respect:
      • Residents in rented properties: 85.9 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 81 percent
  • Effective handling of complaints

    We always strive to deliver the best possible service to our residents but we recognise there will be times when we need to improve. We need to ensure in this circumstances residents receive a satisfactory service to try and bring about a resolution.

    • Satisfaction with Housing 21’s approach to complaint handing: 
      • Residents in rented properties: 48.6 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 33.7 percent
    • Number of stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes:
      • Residents in rented properties: 5.9
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 15.1 
    • Number of stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes:
      • Residents in rented properties: 1.4 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 4.8 
    • Proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales:
      • Residents in rented properties: 92.7 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 95.5 percent
    • Proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales:
      • Residents in rented properties: 96.2 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 100 percent
  • Responsible neighbourhood management

    We know that where residents live extends beyond their own homes; it includes the communal area and local community. We want to ensure our schemes are an integral and integrated part of the local area which are clean and welcoming.

    • Satisfaction with the cleanliness and maintenance of communal areas 
      • Residents in rented properties: 90.2 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 87.4 percent
    • Satisfaction with Housing 21’s contribution to the local neighbourhood:
      • Residents in rented properties: 70.2 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 62.4 percent
    • Satisfaction with Housing 21’s handling of antisocial behaviour:
      • Residents in rented properties: 71.2 percent 
      • Residents in shared ownership properties: 62.4 percent
    • Number of antisocial behaviour cases per 1,000 properties: 15.3 
    • Number of antisocial behaviour cases that involve hate incidents per 1,000 properties: 0 

We used a census methodology to conduct our 2023 resident survey. We believe that there are many benefits to adopting this approach:

  1. A census approach provides us with richer, more robust data on which we can act.
  2. In accordance with our devolved model, a census approach gives us better local level data, so that we can formulate scheme-specific action plans
  3. Historically, residents have told us they have been disappointed not to have been able to take part in a survey. A census ensures everyone can have a voice.

We used an independent third-party agency, Acuity, to deliver our National Residents' Survey. This is so that we can ensure that resident voices can be anonymous, meaning they are more likely to speak freely and openly. The surveys were sent out as either online or paper copy format, as this approach has proven popular in previous years’ surveys, before the introduction of the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures. Further details on the methodology of the survey are available on our 'How do we meausre our performance?' page.

Download a blank copy of the resident survey

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