Decent Homes Standard

Housing 21 is committed to providing safe and good-quality homes for our residents.  

The Decent Homes Standard is a standard set by the UK Government which applies to the social rented sector. As a social landlord, we must provide homes which: 

  • Meet the current statutory minimum standard for housing  
  • Are in a reasonable state of repair  
  • Have reasonably modern facilities  
  • Provide a degree of thermal comfort 

Housing 21’s approach to property investment ensures we exceed the minimum standards. We deliver a stock investment programme which is based on Housing 21’s enhanced Property Standards: 

  • Kitchens will be replaced every 20 to 25 years, with a backstop of 25 years  
  • Bathrooms will be replaced every 20 to25 years, with a backstop of 25 years  
  • All properties will have an EPC rating of C or above  
  • All schemes will have a digital emergency call system installed in advance of the digital switchover  
  • Communal areas at schemes will have design-led decoration, which are inspected every 8-10 years to assess condition  

The UK Government announced that the Decent Homes Standard will be undergoing consultation. Housing 21 will ensure our approach to stock investment will, at a minimum, meet the outcomes of these consultations.  


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