Your rights and our performance

The Social Housing (Regulation) Act requires all landlords to ensure residents can access information that is relevant to them about their housing association. This includes performance reports linked to Tenant Satisfaction Measures, our Financial Statements which are an annual report of Housing 21's performance and details about your lead points of contact if you have concerns about the Consumer Standards or Health and Safety. 

  • H21
    Social Housing (Regulation) Act

    Residents living in rented properties have been given increased rights to ensure they are living in safe, quality homes with reputable landlords following the introduction of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act.

  • Leads
    Consumer Standards and Health and Safety Leads

    The Social Housing (Regulation) Act requires organisations to have a Health and Safety Lead to ensure the health or safety of residents of social housing, and a Consumer Standards Lead to ensure compliance of the organisation with the consumer standards as set out in the Act.

  • Oldham
    Financial Statements Summary 2023/ 2024

    A summary of Housing 21's annual Financial Statements report

  • H21
    Quarterly complaints report

    Every three months, Housing 21 will publish its Quarterly Complaints Report publishing details around any complaints received over the past three months.

  • PG2
    Annual Landlord Performance Report 2023/ 2024

    When the Housing Ombudsman reports five or more findings against a landlord during a financial year (April to March), a Landlord Performance Report must be published.

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