March 2025: Extra Care Resident Newsletter

  • Extra Care - North Region - Message from Ally Dewar, Head of Extra Care Operations

    Hello, I’m Ally, Head of Extra Care, and I look after the North Region for Housing 21.

    I hope that you had an enjoyable February; there certainly looked to be a lot of love in the air for Valentine’s Day across the North.  I had the pleasure of being invited to Spring Hill Court in Easingwold for their Valentine’s Day coffee morning. It was also a chance for me to visit and present their prize in person after winning our Autumnal Newsletter competition. It was a lovely morning, and it certainly put a spring in my step for the rest of the day.  I would like to say a huge thank you to the team, the residents, and all the volunteers at the court. The picture above was taken on the day and included the wonderful volunteers Tracey, Kim (it was also Kim’s birthday) and Lynn, along with myself in my red tie that made me look like I was trying to impersonate a Labour MP or Donald Trump.  Every time I meet a volunteer, I am always humbled by their innovation, dedication and all-round brilliance that they selflessly offer. Volunteers, I cannot thank and praise you enough, and I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to each one of you for everything that you do.

    I hope you are looking forward to March, I know I am.  I hadn’t realised that World Poetry Day is on 21st March 2025. Now, I was rubbish at writing poetry at school, but I do enjoy reading it from time to time. I still have my copy of Byron’s Poetical Works on my shelf at home, but I would like to read something a bit newer and probably better, so who better to ask, than you. That’s right, it’s competition time. So sharpen your pencils and send me any poems or rhymes that are written by a resident for a chance to win a prize.  You will also see, further below, that it is World Hearing Day this month, so with that, I think you have heard more than enough of me. Please do remember that if you would like me to listen to something please do get in touch.  Good luck with our March Poetry/Writing competition - I can’t wait to share your talents and crown our winner in April’s newsletter.

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