A partnership between local government and Xyrius is transforming digital literacy for Manchester housing residents through a digital skills programme.

The initiative provides participants with training over a two-week period, helping residents with online and technology skills.

Festus Igbinehi, Local Housing Manager based at Sydney Jones Court praised the programme's impact: "The course has been fabulous. Not only have the residents enjoyed it but it has made a massive difference to their digital skills, some of them are now doing the majority of their shopping online."

Resident Angela shared her experience of the programme: "Even though I know how to use my phone, there were certain things I didn't know how to do on a laptop. I have learnt about scamming and different types of scams and ways of blocking them."

Seven residents from Sydney Jones Court in Manchester have now completed the course and recently received their certificate along with a free Samsung digital tablet. We will bring more news on this initiative in 2025.

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