Last year, we launched our ‘Influenced by you’ campaign which encouraged residents to help influence the future of Housing 21, including how we perform and deliver our services. 

The views of our residents are so important in helping to shape the future of the organisation, which needs to be ‘influenced by you’, so we’re continuing this theme through our resident engagement groups, collecting resident case studies that show how residents are already influencing, encouraging you to complete our National Residents’ Survey when it launches later this year and asking for your feedback on our complaints handling process in our Complaints Satisfaction Survey! 

Please keep an eye out for more information about our ‘Influenced by you’ campaign and how you can be an influencer! 

National Residents’ Survey 

Every year, we are required by law to run a survey for our residents which includes 12 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. One of these TSMs relates to complaints handling, asking for residents’ satisfaction with Housing 21’s approach to handling their complaint. In 2023, 47 percent of our residents were satisfied with our complaints handling.  

You can find more information around our performance on the resident information page of the Housing 21 website.


Complaints Satisfaction Survey  

In addition to our annual National Residents’ Survey, our monthly Complaints Satisfaction Survey allows us to continuously collect feedback from residents who have made a complaint to us about various aspects of our complaints handling process. The results are reported on every quarter and an annual report is produced at the end of each financial year. This survey measures satisfaction across different aspects of our complaints handling, such as taking complaints seriously and communicating effectively with our residents, which enables us to identify what we do well and also key areas for improvement.  

In line with the new statutory complaints’ guidance from the Housing Ombudsman Service, our monthly Complaints Satisfaction Survey has been redesigned to ensure we are asking our residents the right questions and gaining as much insight about our complaints handling as possible. This new version of the survey launched in June.   

We want to receive as much feedback as possible so that we can be constantly improving our services. By completing our surveys and providing us with feedback you are influencing the future of Housing 21!  

You can find information about complaints and our complaints handling process on the resident information page of the Housing 21 website under ‘Complaints’.

Resident Engagement Groups  

Hearing the voice of you, our residents, is a priority for Housing 21. From scheme level, right through to our Board, we want to hear your opinions to ensure you are always at the centre of our decision making. We’re committed to resident engagement and working collaboratively with you to improve and develop services.    

We have a number of Resident Engagement Groups which we are currently recruiting for:   

  • LGBT+ Forum,   
  • Disability Forum  
  • REACH (Race, Equality and Cultural Heritage) Forum    

These are used in a variety of ways, for example to gain feedback on our services, policies and future direction. They also provide an opportunity to raise issues which you feel we should be addressing.    

If you are interested in joining any of the groups or if you have any other suggestions for resident engagement, please email or speak to your local manager.  


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