Roles and Responsibilities

The HSE Approved Code of Practice L8 “Legionnaires’ disease: The control of legionella bacteria in water systems” and “Legionnaires’ disease: Technical guidance” document HSG 274 identify two roles having specific responsibility for the management of legionella bacteria. Water Hygiene Management will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive at a strategic level and the Director of Property Services at an operational level, with support from identified competent employees.

  • The Duty Holder: Chief Executiv

    The Duty Holder must appoint in writing a Responsible Person to take managerial responsibility for controlling legionella in Housing 21 premises and ensure that Housing 21 meets its statutory obligations. The Chief Executive is ultimately responsible for health and safety and safe operation of the water systems within Housing 21 premises.

  • The Responsible Person: Director of Property Services

    The Responsible Person (RP) has managerial responsibility for the control of legionella bacteria
    within all Housing 21 premises. The RP is responsible for the implementation and management of the Water Hygiene Management Plan and will have overall responsibility and accountability for overseeing performance compliance for water safety and remedial actions.

    They will:
    • Ensure effective implementation of the Water Hygiene Management Policy
    • Ensure adequate resources (funds, materials, equipment, employees, and time) are allocated to manager water safety inspection, testing and associated remedial works
    • Monitor the performance of service areas against the Water Hygiene Management Plan (Appendix i.) to ensure all actions arising from the management of water safety are concluded.
    • Advise the Chief Executive of any problem arising in connection with the management of water safety and compliance with the Water Hygiene Management Policy; and
    • Ensure the right assignment of responsibilities and resources are in place for operational requirements in meeting statutory requirements as set out within the Water Hygiene Management Policy.

  • Head of Compliance

    The National Compliance Manager is responsible for developing internal controls and policies that
    are designed to ensure that all compliance needs are met. The includes identifying potential risks,
    directing investigations, undertaking audits, and developing management strategies.

  • Managers and employees responsible for the detailed arrangements necessary to manage water safety include:

    • Head of Technical Services
    • Health and Safety Manager
    • Contracts Manager
    • Development Team
    • Housing Operational Teams*

  • Water Hygiene Contractors – competent persons

    Contractors appointed to carry out water hygiene management work will be registered by the
    Legionella Control Association (LCA) for each service they undertake, see WH Guidance Note
    Three., Contractors Specification/Schedule. Reports provided will comply with BS8580-1:2019.
    Sampling for legionella bacteria in water systems will comply with BS7592:2021.

    Only appropriately skilled and competent employees or contractors will carry out heating checks
    and maintenance. A person shall be deemed skilled to carry out the appropriate inspection and
    testing only if they have sufficient qualification, knowledge, and experience.

  • *Housing/Housing and Care/Local Housing Managers duties and responsibilities include:

    • Identifying all locations within their court where water is not being used regularly (underutilised outlets); see WH Guidance Note Two.
    • Implementing a weekly flushing regime of all under-utilised outlets and maintaining records.
    • Ensure remedial works are completed in the required timeframe.

  • Resident Responsibilities

    Residents will be provided with information on the management arrangements for the risk of
    exposure to water-borne bacteria such as Legionella.

    Residents must allow appointed contractors into their home to service/check the water systems
    where necessary.

    If residents continue to refuse access after repeated requests, Housing 21 will follow its Access
    Procedure to gain access to carry out necessary safety checks and works. If a resident continually
    refuses access, they will be in breach of their tenancy and Housing 21 will take legal action.
    Residents should maintain their own appliances and water outlets in line with health and safety
    guidelines with regards to Legionella control e.g., taps, shower heads. Where not carried out by
    external contractors’, shower heads should be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Residents should
    not adjust the temperature setting of hot water cylinders or calorifier as this could lead to

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