Background and scope

This Policy covers the management and control of Legionella in water systems in all residential and commercial properties owned and managed by Housing 21. Housing 21 is committed to ensuring that our resident’s homes, and our office premises are safe and secure places to live and
work in.

Legionella bacteria can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection. For Legionnaires’ disease to develop, the Legionella bacteria is water borne and is usually transferred by inhalation of water droplets. Under normal conditions, the disease cannot be passed from one person to another.

Housing 21 will ensure so far as reasonably practicable that residents, employees, and visitors to our properties are not exposed to any risks to their health or safety in relation to water.

To ensure compliance with legal and regulatory framework, Housing 21 will:

• Maintain an operational risk management approach.
• identify and assess sources of risk
• understand and comply with all relevant legislation (see table below).
• undertake Legionella risk assessments for all properties with shared water supplies at least every two years and more frequently where the risk assessment suggests it.
• carry out remediation and monitoring actions as identified in the risk assessment within the appropriate timescales.
• provide monitoring and management programmes as required, preparing a written scheme for eliminating, preventing, or controlling the risk.
• implement, manage, and monitor risk appropriate precautions to prevent or minimise the risk of exposure to Legionella.
• employ competent and skilled contractors, monitoring the performance of these contractors on an ongoing, regular basis.
• keep records of the precautions (electronically and on-site logbooks) implemented for each of the premises under our control.
• provide regular training for employees involved in controlling legionella to ensure that knowledge is appropriate and in line with current legislation and guidance.
• communicate key compliance messages.
• seek independent assurance and challenge on our performance; and
• report on our performance including internal checks and audits to the Board.

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