
Repairs are defined as: “restoring to good working order, fixing or mending”. Repairs may include replacing parts, where necessary”.

This Responsive Repairs Policy is concerned with reactive repairs and maintenance work that Housing 21 conducts at its schemes, often in response to requests raised by residents about their property. Responsive repairs are also conducted within communal spaces when the need arises.

Where a scheme is in its first 12 months following hand over from development, the individual defects agreement should be referred to before raising a repair using a local contractor.

Depending on whether a resident rents or owns/part owns their property, there will be some differences in what repairs they are responsible for within their own home and what repairs Housing 21 is responsible for. This is explained in full in the Resident Handbook and the Leasehold repairs guidance. Housing 21 will not commission repairs that residents are responsible for but can provide information on local contractors.

This policy does not cover or apply to any planned or major works, routine maintenance works or resulting remedial repairs that Housing 21 conducts.

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