
Please forward any feedback to the Communications Team 

Procedure for requesting alternative formats

  • Consider whether help can be provided by signposting the resident to where there is local support in place. For example, a family member, friend or representative from an appropriate community group may be able to help informally with communication needs or translation.
  • If Step 1 isn’t possible, please send your request by email to the Communications Team The email should contain your name, the contact details of the person who needs the alternative format, the reason the format is needed, an approximate timescale within which the format is needed and the actual format required, such as Braille, audio etc. Please allow three weeks where possible for the process. N.B. there is no longer any need to complete a form or get it authorised.
  • Please make sure that you attach the document that needs to be provided in the alternative format to the email.
  • On receipt of the request we will check if we have already have this document available in the alternative format.
  • If not, we will request a quote and organise for the document to be provided in the alternative format. The cost of will come out of a central budget held by the Marketing and Communications Team.
  • Once the alternative format is received, it will be sent to the person who has requested it by email or post.
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