Offering the property

  • When a vacancy arises PEBBLEs will identify the applicants in priority order using banding criteria and date of joining the waiting list.
  • In Retirement Living in most circumstances the offer would be made to the applicant at the top of the list unless the property is not suitable for their needs (e.g. it is a first floor property with no lift and the applicant can’t manage stairs).
  • In Extra Care offers are normally via the nominations panel however some courts will operate a waiting list. The nomination or offer will take into account the level of care needs of the applicant and ensure a balanced community profile.
  • Where offers are made to applicants out of priority order PEBBLEs will request reasons for decision (currently in development - in the meantime managers should keep a list of who they have offered the property to and why offers have not been made / offers have been refused).
  • In instances where applicants fail to turn up for a viewing or tenancy sign up meeting without contacting or who fail to respond to an invitation to view will have that “offer” counted towards their three reasonable.*
  • A verbal / telephone offer counts as an offer and is included in the three reasonable offers. Court Managers should ensure that this is clearly explained to the applicant.
  • In cases of severe financial hardship where the applicant can not afford the 4 weeks in advance payment the CM/HM can (with their line managers approval) accept 1 weeks payment on condition that a payment plan is in place for the remaining 3 weeks in advance requirement.
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