Managing the applications process

  • The application process is managed by the CM/HM. Where an application is received at Head Office it will be scanned to the manager of the first court or town listed. 
  • Applicants should wherever possible be encouraged to visit the courts they are interested in to ensure the property meets their needs before they apply. When processing an application Housing 21 may ask for additional information or references where required.
  • Direct Applicants

 To join the waiting list applicants need to complete either a paper or electronic application form. Digital signatures will be accepted on application forms, tenancy agreements and notice to leave forms. Applications will be added to the waiting list in date order from the date the application is received by Housing 21.

  • Nominations

Applicants nominated by Local Authorities must also complete a Housing 21 application form (in conjunction with the LA assessment). The nomination will not be processed without this form. Housing 21 reserve the right to refuse a nomination if the applicant does not meet the normal eligibility rules.  

  • Transfers

The resident must complete a transfer application form and before an offer is made the Court Manager/ Housing Manager must ensure the current tenancy has been maintained appropriately.  

  • Change in Circumstances

If an applicant moves address or there is a change to their household member the application will be updated and they will remain on the waiting list from their original application date.

  • Exclusions

Housing 21 have a duty to balance the needs of the applicant with the needs of their existing residents many of whom may be frail or vulnerable. As a result on occasion an application may be refused where the applicant is assessed as unsuitable and/or we are unable to meet their needs. Appendix 3 List of Grounds for Refusal

  • Housing of Board Members, ex Board Members, Employees and ex-employees;

Anyone from these groups making an application for housing will receive the same consideration as any other applicant.

We will not consider applications for housing at any sites where the applicant has previously been employed.

  • Housing of relatives of employees and Board Members
  • Relatives of employees who make an application for housing will receive the same consideration as any other applicant. Housing of relatives of employees and Board Members.
  • We will not consider them for a site in which a relative is employed.

All such offers must be authorised by the relevant Exectutive Director (or in the event of a conflict of interest the Deputy Chief Exec).

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