Further guidance
There are volunteer dog-walking charities such as the Cinnamon Trust which may be able to help where a resident is no longer able to exercise their dog.
Alternatively, a friend or relative may be able to help exercise the dog. There are many local pet walking services also available for a small fee.
Where a pet has fallen ill, and the owner cannot afford to pay for treatment they may be able to obtain veterinary treatment for the pet through organisations such as the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals).
Where a dog has become aggressive and is constantly barking, the local vet may be able to provide advice and/or give information on pet behaviour classes run by local organisations. If this fails employees should advise the resident to contact the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors www.apbc.org.uk or the Association of Pet Dog Trainers www.apdt.co.uk. It
should be noted though that if a dog shows any signs of aggression or presents a risk to either its owner, other residents or employees it should not remain on scheme.
Employees should facilitate the access to local animal welfare help. Housing 21 will always aim to use such services to their maximum to prevent a resident losing their pet.
If a resident cannot keep a pet themselves then there may be a local 'Pets as Therapy' group which will bring animals into the scheme for visits such as www.petsastherapy.org. In addition employees can ask their local vet for advice and information on local animal welfare groups.
Employees should always be aware that the death of a pet can be extremely distressing. It is recommended that Court Managers/Housing and Care Managers provide support and assistance. There are also organisations such as the Animal Samaritans: www.animalsamaritans.org.uk and the Pet Bereavement Support Service www.bluecross.org.uk who can offer support at this time.
If a resident falls ill and is admitted to hospital and there are no relatives able to take the pet, then employees are advised to contact the Cinnamon Trust for advice. This organisation could also help with advice if a pet is left behind following the death of a resident. Cats Protection also offer advice and guidance about making preparations for pets in the event of the owner’s death.
Problems with owners keeping pets in unsanitary conditions can be taken up with the RSPCA who will provide advice as to the approach to take or become involved themselves. In addition, the Local Authority Dog Warden can provide advice.
Other policies referenced:
• Pet Declaration Form: accessed via First Touch
• Choice and Consensus Policy
• Accessing Residents' Homes Policy
• Anti-social Behaviour Policy
The official version of this document will be maintained on the intranet. Before referring to any printed copies, please ensure they are up-to-date.