Keeping Pets Policy

Housing 21 is a pet-friendly organisation. We believe that keeping pets can positively promote the wellbeing of our residents.

It is an individual resident’s choice to own a pet and Housing 21 will give permission, within guidelines. Where this affects communal areas, this is aligned to our ‘Choice and Consensus Policy’ where a local agreement will be made. This local agreement will be documented with the Court Service Agreement.

Where an agreement is given for pet ownership, the ‘Keeping Pets’ Policy and Procedure is based on how Housing 21 will support responsible pet ownership and the conditions of pet ownership.

Housing 21 is a pet-friendly organisation and we recognise the positive impacts of having a pet on our residents’ wellbeing. We welcome the responsible ownership of
any pet within reason, taking in to account the health, safety and security of all residents, employees, as well as the welfare of the animal.

It is important that the needs and wishes of other residents at the scheme are considered and our policy aims to adopt a fair set of principles used to decide
whether pet ownership is appropriate on a case-by-case basis. This includes, amongst other things, providing appropriate accommodation suitable for the type of
animal, the welfare of the animal and ensuring that harm, nuisance or annoyance is not caused to other residents, visitors or employees.

This policy affects all residents, and visitors to Housing 21 schemes. The Court Manager / Housing Manager / Housing and Care Manager and appropriate line management will ensure the policy is implemented effectively. 

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