Shopping Calls

Wherever possible a resident should be encouraged to maintain independence where an escort is provided for shopping calls by making payments for items purchased themselves.

In the event that a resident is unable to physically go out to collect shopping, or where a resident is unable to understand the value of notes and coins, and therefore an employee is required to hand money over to a cashier, then a Financial Transaction Form must be completed. These are available to be ordered via your Regional Administrator.

Shopping calls must only be carried out by a member of the care team, and only in exceptional circumstances would a domestic employee be permitted to carry this out. For example, if lift(s) breakdown meaning that residents who are usually independent are unable to get out to collect their own shopping. The normal procedures must apply including a manager auditing the Financial Transaction Form.

The financial transaction form safeguards both residents and employees by providing clear evidence of what has been spent and the reasons why.

Instructions for how to complete a Financial Transaction Form can be found at Appendix one.

Receipts for purchases made should always be provided, with a copy attached to the financial transaction form and the original given to the resident. If no receipt is available this must be reported to the ACM on duty and the reason why documented on the Financial Transaction Form.

Employees must only use cash provided by the resident, to make any shopping purchases. Under no circumstances should purchases be made by employees using a resident’s debit or credit card, including the use of ‘contactless’ payments.

During shopping calls employees are not permitted to carry out any personal shopping tasks.

Online shopping is a good alternative which may support residents to remain independent, where this is used the resident must be able to enter their own debit or credit card details where required.

Employees must not use their own email address or details to set up online accounts on behalf of a resident. All online accounts must be set up using the residents own email address and the password must never be shared with employees.

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