Audit Process

A Financial Support Register must be held by each scheme to detail which residents receive support with finances, this will be used to ensure the audit process covers all files necessary.

All Financial Transaction Forms should be audited by an ACM on a monthly basis using the Financial Transaction Audit Form.

Only one monthly Financial Transaction Audit Form is required for each resident that is supported by Housing 21 employees, this should cover all transaction forms completed within the month.

The HCM/CM must audit 10% of the number of residents, Financial Transaction Forms every month ensuring that there is a full rotation of all residents within a six-month period.

The HCM/CM should audit all Cash Handling Records monthly against the contents of the safe, with another member of employees present.

Any concerns or discrepancies found should be recorded on the Managers Monthly Financial Audit Record for that resident and appropriately investigated by the HCM/CM.

Concerns of theft or fraud should be reported to the police and raised with the LA safeguarding team. Where appropriate the concern should also be reported to the LPA for property and financial affairs or the next of kin. HCM/CM must refer to their local authorities safeguarding policy and Housing 21’s Safeguarding Policy.

Any concerns involving Housing 21 employees should be reported to the Employee Relations Team who will provide advice on a case–by-case basis. In addition, you can refer to the Disciplinary Policy.

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