Delivering Excellent Service

When gas service and safety inspections are carried out:

  • Gas contractors will provide Housing 21 with a copy of the safety record within 28 days so that we know the gas in residents’ home is safe.
  • Gas contractors will disconnect or isolate any potentially dangerous appliances and inform the relevant department immediately.
  • If a service cannot be completed due to a defect the contractor will liaise with the onsite Housing Manager and the Compliance Team to seek authorisation to carry out the repairs whilst they are on site. Once authorised the onsite Housing Manager should provide the contractor with a works order number to complete the repairs.
  • If an appliance is unsafe, it should be repaired immediately or shut off until it can be repaired. If repairs cannot be completed the contractor will contact Housing 21 to consider replacement.
  • If properties are left without heating overnight, temporary heating will be arranged as a matter of urgency if the loss occurs between 1 October and 31 March or if the resident is considered vulnerable.
  • If a resident’s own gas appliance is found to be defective when the contract carries out a basic check, the appliance will be disconnected and labelled as dangerous. The resident will be advised immediately of the defect and advised it is their responsibility to carry out the necessary repair.

Commercial boilers are serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

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