Carbon Monoxide

In compliance with British Standard (7967) guidance, if a Gas Safe registered engineer or out of hours call handlers acting on behalf of Housing 21 are contacted by a resident reporting fumes, smells, spillage/leakage of gas combustion products or activation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors, they will advise the resident to seek medical assistance immediately to verify if CO is the cause of their illness (and report the results back to Housing 21 at the earliest opportunity – Housing 21 will retain a record of the conversation with the resident).  Call handlers or engineers will also transfer the call to Cadent who will arrange to make safe the gas supply as required.

Housing 21 will appoint an independent specialist contractor to conduct a full inspection of the installation to identify the cause of the suspected CO release. In line with the BS guidance Housing 21 will, where required, raise an order for the gas supply to be reconnected and for CO detectors, appliances and flue to be checked (to BS 7967) and any remedial work to be carried out.

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