Aims, Objectives and Approach

Housing 21 is committed to complying with the requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, which imposes duties on landlords to protect tenants’ safety in their homes with respect to gas safety. The main duties as a landlord are set out in Regulation 36 requiring landlords to:

  • Ensure gas fittings and flues are maintained in a safe condition. Gas appliances should be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.  If these are not available, it is recommended that they are serviced annually unless advised otherwise by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
  • Ensure an annual safety check is carried out on each gas appliance and flue within 12 months of the previous safety check.
  • Have all installation, maintenance and safety checks carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
  • Keep a record of each safety check for at least 2 (two) years.
  • Issue a copy of the latest safety check record to existing tenants within 28 days of the check being completed, or to any new tenant when they move in.
  • Display a copy of the latest safety check record in a common area of a building where the gas appliance serves a communal heating system to multiple homes.


Housing 21 will ensure the safe maintenance of gas appliances, flues and installation pipework installed, and solid/LPG fuel systems in premises under its control via an ongoing programme of regular/periodic inspections, together with any necessary remedial work. This will include specific maintenance requirements defined in manufacturer instructions or where this is not available via a check of the physical condition of the appliance, installation pipework, air vents and any flue deterioration, testing, and remedial action.

Housing 21 will maintain records of all annual safety checks undertaken for a minimum of period of two years from the date of the inspection and ensure residents receive a copy Landlords Gas Safety Record (LGSR) as soon as is reasonably practicable (either electronically or in paper copy) after the safety check and no more than 28 days.

Housing 21 appoints Gas Safe Register contractors to inspect and service all HOUSING 21 gas appliances and systems every 12 months. In addition to the annual gas servicing programme, Gas Safe Register contractors also cover day to day maintenance. 

Housing 21 has detailed monitoring arrangements in place to identify any properties where an annual check has not yet been completed, including where residents have failed to provide access.



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