
The policy identifies the fire safety arrangements for Housing 21 to ensure we meet our fire safety obligations protecting our residents, employees, and visitors from risks to their health and safety from fire.


  • Roles and responsibilities will be clearly defined and understood.
  • Using competent, skilled, and well-trained employees
  • Providing staff with training commensurate to their role


  • Actively engage with resident on matters of building safety and building compliance
  • Meet the needs of residents who inform us they have a disability such as a hearing impairment and install appropriate equipment to ensure they are alerted in the event of a fire and can evacuate safely.


This policy should be considered alongside other Housing 21 policies, key organisational strategies, and supporting guidance, this list is not exhaustive:

  • Health and Safety Management Arrangements
  • Fire Safety Strategy and System
  • Health and Safety Strategy
  • Asset Management Strategy
  • Asbestos Policy
  • Electrical Safety Policy
  • Gas Safety Policy
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