Fire Risk Assessment Policy and Procedure

Housing 21  will carry out regular Fire Risk Assessments of its sites where required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and recommend improvements according to priority where there are deficiencies.


Fire Risk Assessments are undertaken to enable Housing 21 to understand the risks of each site to the outbreak, detection, spread and containment of fire. Any changes to the risk, whether positive or negative, can be recorded and actions can be recommended to mitigate any risks identified.


The stakeholders in this policy are the Asset Management and Surveying Team; Court Managers; Retirement Housing and Extra Care Managers; and the local Fire Service. The revised fire risk assessment format has been fully endorsed by our Primary Authority Cambridge Fire Rescue Service.


Fire Risk Assessments are required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for buildings with enclosed communal areas or corridors. These surveys will be carried out by surveyors that have been trained and assessed as competent to do so.

Properties within Housing 21’s stock are assessed in accordance with the potential risk they present and have fire risk assessments conducted every 12 months, unless there has been a material change to the property or the surveyor directs otherwise.

Remedial actions to improve fire safety will be prioritised according to the level of risk identified by the risk assessment document. High risk items will be identified to the parties identified as owners by the risk assessment for action.  Actions that can take place with no cost should be remedied straight away, and items that have a cost attached are to be reviewed by the regional Property Services Managers for inclusion into the annual capital works programme.

Court Managers will receive a copy of the Fire Risk Assessments available for information and inspection.


Fire Risk Assessment – A survey and report on fire safety carried out by a trained technical surveyor.

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