PAT/ FAT Testing Regime

Portable Appliance – This is an item of equipment that irrespective of its size, is not fixed in place to prevent movement. This could be anything from a television, computer equipment or a fridge or cooker NOT fixed in place by wiring or other means.
Fixed Appliance – This is an item of equipment that is fixed in place to prevent movement. It can range from a wall mounted water heater, extractor fan, shower, or a fixed cooker. The item will become ‘fixed’ if it is hardwired into the building’s electrical system or forms part of the fabric of the building and is therefore immovable.

What is the purpose of PAT testing?
To keep staff and residents safe, Housing 21 will carry out Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) and Fixed Appliance Testing (FAT) testing to equipment owned by Housing 21 Additionally, equipment in the communal or staffing areas loaned or donated by a third party for resident or staff to use must be tested.

Which items need to be tested?
− Any portable appliances that are in the ownership of Housing 21 and are used by staff and residents in a communal area or office areas are covered by this policy e.g., where a resident donates a CD player for communal use, or an employee has a mobile phone charger or a kettle that they use for work. Managers should advise the contractor of these additional items
on their visit.
− Housing 21 will not test portable appliances owned by residents. If an item is gifted by Housing 21 to a resident, it transfers into their ownership.
− Contractors or agencies using sites for their own work are required to carry out testing on their own equipment.
− Equipment under 12 months old does not need to be tested. However, the contractor may test them to regularise the testing dates.

- Any failure of an electrical item less than 12 months old, that is not caused through user damage, should be addressed with the manufacturer or supplier of the equipment by the court manager or owner of the item.
− If the court is within the defect’s liability period, items may be covered by Defects Liability. The court manager should contact the Construction Project Manager to address with the original development contractor or supplier.
− All fixed appliances (FAT) throughout the court in communal areas and individual flats will be tested.

What is the testing frequency?
The testing programme is set annually by the Compliance Team.
• Portable Appliance Testing takes place at intervals of two years.
• Fixed Appliance Testing takes place at intervals of between two and three years.
To find out when testing is next due on a court/property, please contact M&

Court Managers are responsible for:
• Helping contractors gain access to properties, commercial and communal areas for testing
• The safe disposal of portable appliances and ordering of replacement appliances or remedial works if identified during testing

Guidance to assist employees to carry out a pre-use check at any time whenever they need reassurance that an item is safe to use can be found here.

Contractors undertaking PAT/FAT testing
Contractors shall provide the following test records and labelling: -
• An inventory containing each appliance type, name, location, and description.
• A full set of test results for each appliance tested
• A full list of any failed items with an explanation of their failure
• A visible pass or fail label on each appliance detailing the inspection date, next test due and the inspector’s signature.
• If the testing engineer fails an item and deems it dangerous to use, they will repair and make safe or decommission the item/s of equipment. They will place a warning notice to advise that it must not be used. The engineer will inform the Court Manager, who arrange for the item to be removed or further repaired, replaced, or disposed.
• If the item is found to be potentially dangerous, the Court Manager will order an urgent repair through Responsive Repairs, targeted for completion within seven days

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