Hard Wire Testing Regime

Hard Wire Electrical Testing
The Head of Technical Services will arrange for electrical testing and inspection to be carried out, as required, on all properties owned or managed by Housing 21.

EICR periodic inspection
Electrical installation in rented properties will be inspected and tested by a qualified and competent person at an interval of at least every five years. A report giving the results which sets a date for the next inspection and test will be provided. A copy of the report should:
• Provided to the existing tenant within 28 days of the inspection and test.
• Provided to a new tenant before they occupy the property.
• Provided to any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request for the report.
• Provided to the local authority within seven days of receiving a request for a copy.

The report should be retained and provided to the inspector and tester who will undertake the next inspection and test.
Where the report shows that remedial or further investigative work is necessary to make the electrical installation safe i.e., findings under:
C1 Danger present (risk of injury) Immediate remedial action required.
C2 Potential danger Urgent remedial action required.
C3 Retrospective Improvement Recorded for later consideration.
F1 Further investigation Required without delay.

Remedial works will be completed within a defined time frame (specified by the report) by suitably competent, qualified electrical installers.

Written confirmation of the completion of the remedial works should be supplied to the tenant (and local authority if applicable) within 28 days of completion of the works.
If an EICR has been completed within the last five years, the Court Manager will complete a visual check before reletting. (Guidance Note: Three) and if deemed necessary appoint a competent contractor to carry out an EICR check.

Where defects are found to have occurred because of abuse, misuse or badly installed or repaired electrics by the resident (or any party employed by the resident), the electrical contractor will notify the Court Manager. Any rectification work will be charged back to the relevant resident.

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