Our policy is that we will

Take appropriate action to reduce the risk of abuse where we think it might happen.
• Aim to keep the victim/survivor of domestic abuse safe by working proactively with them, identifying the risk of further abuse.
• Provide the victim/survivor of domestic abuse with options and empower them to make choices so that they can identify the option that best meets their individual circumstances.
• Liaise with the lead statutory agency and other relevant local bodies, including charities, to reduce risk.
• Support the lead statutory agency in acting against perpetrators of abuse. This includes taking tenancy enforcement action against perpetrators where it is appropriate to do so; and working in partnership with statutory agencies with any actions decided as part of partnership working
• Continually improve our response to domestic abuse by learning from victim/survivor feedback and the feedback from a range of other agencies.
• Aspire to embed diversity and inclusion within all our organisational activities to enable these principles to become part of our everyday processes.

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