Management Guidance for the Key Safe and Control of Keys

The Scheme Manager is responsible for the secure handling and storage of:
a. Master Keys, which provide access to two or more residents’ homes and other locked areas. The master key should only ever be used in the event of an emergency or if the resident has given their permission. One master key should be always stored in the Key Safe when not in use. The master key should not be taken off site without the prior agreement of a Scheme Manager’s line manager. Scheme Managers who live on site should store the master key in the key safe and not in their home, when they are not on duty.

b. Access Keys enable the Scheme Manager to perform their daily duties around the scheme, and provides access to various scheme facilities including lifts, electricity cupboards and access hatches Access to the main entrance, this may include key fobs.

c. Resident accommodation keys

d. Keys to the fire panel and relevant service user criteria information must be stored in the red fire box in line with the Fire Risk Management System Policy

e. The key safe should house the master key, along with any spares and access keys. All of these keys should be clearly marked with numbers to not allow identification and an index of keys should be kept separate to the keys. This can be stored on the scheme shared drive (password protected).

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