Use of additional surveillance systems

Prior to introducing any new surveillance system, including placing a new CCTV camera in any workplace location, employees will carefully consider if they are appropriate by carrying out a Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA).  

A DPIA is intended to assist in deciding whether new surveillance cameras are necessary and proportionate in the circumstances and whether they should be used at all or whether any limitations should be placed on their use.  

A DPIA will consider the nature of the problem that employees are seeking to address at that time and whether the surveillance camera is likely to be an effective solution, or whether a better solution exists.  Employees will consider the effect a surveillance camera will have on individuals and therefore whether its use is a proportionate response to the problem identified.  

Surveillance cameras will not be placed in areas where there is an expectation of privacy (for example, in changing rooms) unless, in exceptional circumstances, it is judged by Housing 21 to be necessary to deal with very serious concerns.  These will be managed on a case by case basis and require authorisation from the Deputy Chief Executive or in their absence an Executive Director.   

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