CCTV Rationale

Housing 21 uses CCTV surveillance cameras to view and record individuals on (and around) our premises. Surveillance systems means any devices or systems designed to monitor or record images of individuals or information relating to individuals. The term includes CCTV systems as well as any technology that may be introduced in the future such as body worn cameras, unmanned aerial systems and any other systems that capture information of identifiable individuals or information relating to identifiable individuals.   

This policy details: 

    • Why we use CCTV 
    • How we will use CCTV and   
    • How we will process data recorded by CCTV cameras  
    • Who we may lawfully disclose CCTV footage to  
    • How to make a subject access request in respect of personal data created by CCTV.   

This policy covers all employees and may also be relevant to residents and visiting members of the public. 

The policy will be formally reviewed every 3 years, although it may be amended at any time to ensure that it meets legal requirements, relevant guidance published by the ICO and industry standards. 

A breach of this policy may, in appropriate circumstances, be treated as a disciplinary matter. Following investigation, a breach of this policy may also be regarded as misconduct leading to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal and/or criminal sanction.  

The Information Governance Steering Group (IGSG) has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and the effective operation of this policy. Day-to-day management responsibility for deciding what information is recorded, how it will be used and to whom it may be disclosed has been delegated to the Data Protection Officer (DPO). Day-to-day operational responsibility for CCTV cameras use and the storage of data recorded is the responsibility of the scheme manager.

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