CCTV Operation

Where CCTV cameras are placed in the workplace, we will ensure that signs are displayed at the entrance of the surveillance area to alert individuals that their image may be recorded. Such signs will contain details of the organisation operating the system, the purpose for using the surveillance system and who to contact for further information, where these things are not obvious to those being monitored.  

Live feeds from CCTV cameras will only be monitored where this is reasonably necessary, for example to protect health and safety, or to monitor suspected fraudulent and/or criminal activity.  

We will ensure that live feeds from cameras and recorded images are only viewed by approved employees whose role requires them to have access to such data. This may include HR employees, Legal Counsel and the Data Protection Officer, involved with disciplinary or grievance matters or information rights requests, including third party disclosures (such as law enforcement).  Recorded images will only be viewed in designated, secure offices.  

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