CCTV Surveillance Policy

The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA18) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) provide individuals with the right to know what personal and special category information is held about them and how it is processed and protected. It also sets out requirements for organisations to adhere to when collecting and processing personal data.     

This extends to personal data captured on CCTV.  CCTV and other surveillance systems have a legitimate role to play in helping to maintain a safe and secure environment for all our employees, residents, carers, and visitors.   

Housing 21 recognise that this may raise concerns about the effect on individual’s privacy.  Images recorded by surveillance systems are personal data which must be processed in accordance with data protection legislation and regulation.    

This policy aims to set out clear guidance on:  

  • Employee obligations in the protection and processing of personal data   
  • Data Controller obligations in the protection of personal data  
  • Individuals’ rights in relation to their personal data   

Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all employees.  Related policies, privacy guidelines, glossary and terms are available to help you.  Any breach of this policy and the related mandatory information governance eLearning training provided to all employees, may result in disciplinary action.  

The term ‘employee’ refers to all Housing 21 employees, including: permanent, fixed term, temporary, Board Members, secondees, third party representatives, agency workers, volunteers, interns, and agents.  

In certain circumstances, misuse of information generated by CCTV or other surveillance systems can constitute a criminal offence.  

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion   

Housing 21 aspires to embed diversity and inclusion within all our organisational activities to enable these principles to become part of our everyday processes. 

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