Policy context

  • Housing 21 principles

    21: We’re committed to providing a modern and forward thinking 21st century service. This includes updating and modernising our existing housing, as well as developing new and innovative property designs and service models for the future.  

    Better: We aim to be the lead provider of housing and care services, and strive for continuous improvement and innovation in all that we do.  

    Experience : We will consistently deliver positive results for our residents, customers and staff. We will deliver tailored solutions that meet individual needs – not simply adopting and applying prescribed or standard responses.  

  • Regulator of Social Housing Regulatory Requirements  

    Home Standard  

    Repairs and Maintenance 

    Registered providers shall co-operate with relevant organisations to provide an adaptations service that meets tenants’ needs.  

    Tenancy Standard  

    Contribute to local authorities’ strategic housing function and sustainable communities. Registered providers shall develop and provide services that will support tenants to maintain their tenancy and prevent unnecessary evictions.  

  • Legislative Requirements  

    Equality Act 2010  

     The Equality Act explains that having due regard for advancing equality involves:   

    • Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.    


  • Tenancy and Lease Agreements  

    Retirement Housing Tenancy Agreement:  

    We must allow you to make improvements to your home, subject to written permission from the Regional/ Area office staff. Permission may be refused during the Starter Tenancy Period.   


    Leasehold Agreement:   

    A number of leasehold agreements are in place – however lease agreements generally allow the leaseholder to make alterations within their home so long as the approval of Housing 21 has been given.  Individual leases must be checked upon receipt of a request.   

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