Back to Meet our residents
Posted 08 May 2024

Each of our residents has story to tell and some have even put pen to paper, publishing their adventures before moving into a Housing 21 property. Among those, is Fiona, also known as Fi, who moved into one of our Retirement Living schemes in 2020. 

Born in South Africa, Fi grew up in the Drakensberg Mountains of KwaZulu-Natal on a cattle and sheep ranch before she moved to the UK in 2002 to join her husband. Following their divorce, Fi found herself in need of accommodation. 

“I had been on the waiting list for a Housing 21 property and had originally viewed a studio flat but as I had come from a two-bed bungalow it wasn’t big enough for me,” said Fi. 

“However, by some miracle a suitable flat became available and I fell in love with it on first sight.”  

Fi has chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) resulting in her losing the use of her legs in 1988 and later, the use of her left arm. With the support of her trusty electric wheelchair, she is able to move around the scheme with ease and frequently joins other residents in the communal spaces.  

“After my Care Workers have seen to my needs with washing, dressing, breakfast and everything else, I drive down to the communal lounge with a little bag strapped to the back of my chair, filled with drinks, embroidery, my phone, reading glasses and everything else I need for the day,” she said.  

“There is always a friendly soul around that I can chat to about anything and everything. 

“I’ve been so happy here. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming; the residents are friendly, and I couldn’t ask for more in the way of a Local Housing Manager. They are great company and fascinating to talk to.”  

Moving into one of our Retirement Living schemes is the start of a new chapter for Fi and we can’t wait to see if it makes it into her next book.  


  • RL
    Retirement Living
    Private and self-contained, our retirement apartments are designed to allow you to live independently within a community setting. Pets are more than welcome too!
  • EC
    Extra Care
    Extra Care offers independent living with access to on-site care if and when you need it. Living in your own self-contained, fully accessible and modern home enables you to maintain your independence whilst benefiting from optional care and support packages.
  • Untitled
    Sash, Retirement Living
    When Sash originally moved from Kent to his new home in Birmingham, it was owned and operated by another housing association. However, Sash said he's "the happiest he's been" since Housing 21 took over the scheme.
  • Marlene,
    Marlene and Graham, Extra Care
    Marlene and Graham moved to a Housing 21 Extra Care scheme a year ago and are confident that they have made the right decision.
  • TSC07664
    Paul, Retirement Living
    Paul came to live at one of our Retirement Living schemes after being homeless. He is now rebuilding his life and plays a big part in the community at his scheme, cooking for other residents and generally helping them.
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