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Gildacre Fields

Gildacre Fields, Bardolph Drive, Southwick, SUNDERLAND , SR5 2EL
Extra Care
Bedrooms... 1 & 2 bedroom properties
To rent from... £137.94 - £163.53 per week

Gildacre Fields is an Extra Care scheme in the High Southwick area of Sunderland, offering independent living in contemporary, purpose-built apartments, with access to a range of communal facilities and care and support services based on-site.

Comprising 100 self-contained one and two-bedroom apartments, all the properties are spacious and well-appointed, with level-access shower rooms, modern kitchens and emergency alarms for peace of mind.

Communal facilities at Gildacre Fields include a restaurant, hairdressing salon, residents’ lounge and laundry room, as well as landscaped gardens with seating areas.

There is a housing and care manager on site to provide support with issues such as repairs and maintenance and organising care.

Services and facilities
  • Restaurant
  • Hair salon
  • Lounge
  • Garden
  • Laundry room
  • Buggy store

Please note, property availability may be different from those numbers below. This can be due to people already on our waiting lists and/ or applications being processed but not yet complete. Please use the enquiry form at the bottom of the screen and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

0 Properties available for Outright purchase
1 Properties available for Shared ownership
3 Properties available for Rent
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More about Gildacre Fields

As well as the Extra Care apartments, the site features 30 bungalows, which also have access to the care and support services and communal facilities.

Life at Gildacre Fields
Local area and amenities

The scheme is well situated for access to a range of shops and amenities, and is within easy travelling distance of Sunderland city centre.

Gildacre Fields Gildacre Fields, Bardolph Drive, Southwick, SUNDERLAND , SR5 2EL

Gildacre Fields is an Extra Care scheme in the High Southwick area of Sunderland, offering independent living in contemporary, purpose-built apartments, with access to a range of communal facilities and care and support services based on-site.

From To
Rent* £46.16 £86.55 (weekly)
Service Charge* £52.35 £79.30 (weekly)
Support Charge* £4.38 £5.51 (weekly)
Utility Charge* £28.07 £28.07 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
From To
Service Charge* £29.96 £64.89 (weekly)
Support Charge* £4.37 £5.47 (weekly)
Utility Charge* £21.05 £28.07 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
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You must be over 55 to be considered for a Housing 21 property
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Apply to be a Care Worker

Interested in being a Care Worker at Gildacre Fields? Apply with your details below.

Enquiries 03701924975

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