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Frederick Taylor Court

Frederick Taylor Court, Bradley Road, WARMINSTER , BA12 8BN
Retirement Living
Bedrooms... 1 bedroom properties
To rent from... £126.3 - £132.19 per week

Frederick Taylor Court is in a semi-rural part of Warminster, near busy allotments and a park. It is close to many amenities while still benefiting from a peaceful location. The wider area is full of things to do with swimming baths, a nature reserve, forests and Shearwarter Lake.

The court has a communal lounge, guest room and laundry. There is a well-kept mature garden with plenty of wildlife. There is a social committee at the court and regular activities are organised including barbecues, bingo, raffles, evening nibbles and coffee mornings.

Services and facilities
  • Lounge
  • Garden
  • Car park

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0 Properties available for Outright purchase
0 Properties available for Shared ownership
1 Properties available for Rent
More about Frederick Taylor Court
Life at Frederick Taylor Court
Location and amenities

It’s a short bus ride into town where there are a number of supermarkets as well as independent shops, a post office, a doctor's surgery and a theatre.

Frederick Taylor Court Frederick Taylor Court, Bradley Road, WARMINSTER , BA12 8BN

Frederick Taylor Court is in a semi-rural part of Warminster, near busy allotments and a park. It is close to many amenities while still benefiting from a peaceful location.

From To
Service Charge* £59.14 £59.14 (weekly)
Support Charge* £7.59 £7.59 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
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