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Edenhurst Court

Eden Hurst Court, Harrington Road, Huyton, LIVERPOOL , L36 2QX
Extra Care
Bedrooms... 1 & 2 bedroom properties
To rent from... £91.49 - £103.42 per week

Edenhurst Court is next door to, and jointly managed with, Crawshaw Court. Information about both courts can be found on the Crawshaw Court page


Please note, property availability may be different from those numbers below. This can be due to people already on our waiting lists and/ or applications being processed but not yet complete. Please use the enquiry form at the bottom of the screen and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

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Interested in this court?

Edenhurst Court Eden Hurst Court, Harrington Road, Huyton, LIVERPOOL , L36 2QX

From To
Service Charge* £14.95 £92.49 (weekly)
Support Charge* £0.94 £1.71 (weekly)
Utility Charge* £22.40 £29.87 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
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