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Casson Court

Casson Court, Church Street, THORNE , DN8 5BB
Extra Care
Bedrooms... 1 & 2 bedroom properties
To rent from... £117.29 - £156.41 per week

Built in partnership with Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council and Homes England and located in the market town of Thorne, there are two railway stations with connections to Doncaster, Manchester, Sheffield, Scunthorpe and Cleethorpes.

The property has been designed to provide fully accessible facilities for both residents and visitors, which includes a café bistro, communal lounge, hair salon, guest suite, assisted bathroom and landscaped gardens.

The on-site Care Team is available 24/7, giving you the peace of mind and allowing you to maintain your independence.

Shared Ownership applications are subject to eligibility criteria with Help to Buy NEYH and the Nomination Panel consisting of Housing 21 and Doncaster Council.

To be eligible for a property at Casson Court, you must be over the age of 55, have a local connection to the area and have a housing and/or care need. For further information on eligibility please contact the Sales Team.

Rental applications are required through Housing 21 online rental application form but applicants must also be registered with Doncaster HomeChoice.

Prices start from £31,250 at 25% ownership with rent for 25% ownership at £214.84 per month (based on the lowest priced apartment).

Percentage to be purchased aligned to applicant(s)' affordability.

Services and facilities
  • Lounge
  • Restaurant
  • Guest room
  • Buggy store
Properties available at Casson Court

Please note, property availability may be different from those numbers below. This can be due to people already on our waiting lists and/ or applications being processed but not yet complete. Please use the enquiry form at the bottom of the screen and a member of the team will be in touch with you shortly.

0 Properties available for Outright purchase
4 Properties available for Shared ownership
0 Properties available for Rent
Interested in this court?
More about Casson Court
Life at Casson Court
Local area and amenities

This new court is located in the heart of the market town of Thorne, just 12 miles from Doncaster town centre. In an excellent location, Thorne has close links to the M18 towards the M1 and M62 and the M180 motorways.

Casson Court Casson Court, Church Street, THORNE , DN8 5BB

Built in partnership with Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council and Homes England, this new development is located in the heart of the market town of Thorne, just 12 miles from Doncaster town centre.

From To
Rent* £46.29 £78.12 (weekly)
Service Charge* £89.06 £89.06 (weekly)
Support Charge* £4.20 £4.20 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
From To
Service Charge* £75.70 £75.70 (weekly)
Support Charge* £4.20 £4.20 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
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Register your interest

You must be over 55 to be considered for a Housing 21 property
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Apply to be a Care Worker

Interested in being a Care Worker at Casson Court? Apply with your details below.

Enquiries 03701924205

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