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Bluebell Gardens

Bluebell Gardens

Bluebells Gardens, Hollway Road, BRISTOL , BS14 8AB
Extra Care
Bedrooms... 1 & 2 bedroom properties
To rent from... £114.42 - £168.62 per week

Bluebell Gardens is located to the south of Bristol, Stockwood has a welcoming community and residents of the court are very much part of life in the area!

Local facilities are only a short distance away, including a newsagent, chemist, doctors surgery and dentist, as well as an optician, post office, takeaways and churches. A large Asda and Tesco superstore are located nearby, with a free weekly bus running to either store.

The bus stop outside Bluebell Gardens provides links to the local leisure centre, walk-in centre and college, as well Bristol city centre, the Imperial Park shopping centre and South Bristol Hospital. There is also a choice of cinemas, restaurants and supermarkets a short car journey away.

The Open Space Nature Reserve is home to the popular annual Festival of Nature: Wild Adventures Day, while Bristol hosts regular events and festivals throughout the year including the Harbour Festival and the annual Balloon Fiesta at Ashton Court.

The area has excellent rail links, with Keynsham and a Bristol Temple Meads stations offering services to towns and cities across the country. Bristol city centre, Keynsham and the historic city of Bath are all easily reached by car.

Bluebell Gardens has three attractive gardens with easy wheelchair access into the courtyard. Many of the residents enjoy gardening and have achieved a relaxing, attractive area with colourful planting and hanging baskets, while bird tables and feeders in the grounds attract a wide variety of wildlife.

Services and facilities
  • Restaurant
  • Laundry room
  • Buggy store
  • Hair salon
  • Lounge
  • Garden
Properties available at Bluebell Gardens

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0 Properties available for Outright purchase
1 Properties available for Shared ownership
5 Properties available for Rent
More about Bluebell Gardens

Bluebell Gardens has a welcoming communal lounge, and offers a compact library area in the atrium with comfortable seating. The court also benefits from a communal laundry room, restaurant, hairdresser, pleasant guest room and ample parking.

Life at Bluebell Gardens
Local area and amenities

Local facilities are only a short distance away, including a newsagent, chemist, doctors surgery and dentist, as well as an optician, post office, takeaways and churches.

Bluebell Gardens Bluebells Gardens, Hollway Road, BRISTOL , BS14 8AB

Bluebell Gardens is located to the south of Bristol, Stockwood has a welcoming community and residents of the court are very much part of life in the area.

From To
Rent* £65.20 £92.80 (weekly)
Service Charge* £84.62 £84.62 (weekly)
Support Charge* £6.62 £6.62 (weekly)
Utility Charge* £22.76 £22.76 (weekly)
*Costs are indicative for a range of properties. For detailed costs on each property please contact the Court Manager.
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