Help us provide excellent services to our residents
Housing 21 spends over £100m each year on a wide range of services, goods and works.
The Procurement Team generally supports tenders for national contract awards to ensure residents reside in safe, quality homes that enhance their experience.
Tendering is undertaken in a number of different ways which may include utilising various Framework Agreements or advertising contracts at the following sites:
- For low value opportunities: Contracts Finder
- For high value opportunities: Find high value contracts in the public sector - GOV.UK
Business tips and guidance including how to be a supplier on various framework agreements
Upcoming tendering opportunities can be viewed on the Delta electronic tendering ePortal.
Suppliers and contractors can register for free for various tender alerts and once registration is complete, suppliers can manage individual profiles.
Housing 21 procurement pipelines are regularly reviewed and can be found here.
Contractor accreditation requirement
As a means of demonstrating ‘health and safety evidence’ and insurance evidence, Housing 21 requires all contractors to have in place SSIP accreditation (Safety Schemes In Procurement) or H&S a accreditation of a similar nature, relevant to the local trade. For example, Construction Line, Safe contractor, SMAS, CHAS, etc.
Information for contractors and developers
Housing 21 seek construction delivery partners for delivery of new developments through a range of Public Sector Frameworks, including Homes England.
Applications to join Homes England, new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) opened. By joining the delivery partner DPS you can:
- become a delivery partner at any time
- join at any point over the 10 year lifetime of the DPS
- complete the whole application online
Links below for convenience:
- Apply to join the Delivery Partner Dynamic Purchasing System - GOV.UK
- Delivery Partner DPS supporting information
For more information email Homes England.
Housing 21 terms and conditions
Download Housing 21's terms and conditions
Delta eSourcing is an end-to-end, EU compliant, web-based service that allows buyers to manage tenders, suppliers and contracts in a single solution.
For more information on procurement please don't hesitate to get in touch.