Meet Karin, Local Housing Manager

Many of our employees have connections with the Armed Forces, whether that’s through directly serving or a loved one who was or is part of the military. Among those is Local Housing Manager, Karin, from Hurst Court in Manchester, who joined Housing 21 in 2020.  

Karin’s grandfather was in the Territorial Army (now known as the Army Reserve) and was one of the first to sign up at the outbreak of WWII. 

“My grandfather quickly gained a reputation as a ‘Mr Fix It’. He was posted to Brighton where he was positioned on the top of the tallest buildings to man the big guns against the German bombers that came over in swarms of tight formations.” 

Following in his footsteps, Karin joined the Army Reserve in 2005.  

“I had been feeling a bit stagnant with my life for a while,” she said.  

“I felt like I wasn’t doing anything meaningful; I was doing the same thing day in and day out, and something was missing. Then one day, I heard an advert for the Army Reserve on the radio and it was like a lightbulb moment.” 

After searching for her nearest unit online, she visited their next parade and signed up there and then.  

“I successfully completed the medical and security checks required to join,” she said. 

“Following that, all candidates took an aptitude test to decide what job they would be most suited to within the Royal Signals. I scored high on the test and was offered the position of Royals Signals Technician, which was the highest trade you could be. 

“The Royal Signal provide communications for the army, using a system called Ptarmigan which is essentially a series of trucks that act as a big mobile comms unit. During my time with the Army Reserves, I took part in a number of UK-based operations where I was responsible for maintaining and fixing the comms equipment in the truck called a Radio Relay and the main machine I looked after was called TACE – Transition, Alarm & Control Equipment.” 

Karin’s husband is also part of the Army Reserve which is how they met. Their experience has inspired their children to also become part of the Armed Forces.    

“I’m proud to say that our son, Jayden is in the process of joining the Navy as a Royal Marines Commando and our daughter, Noelle is in the RAF Cadets which is where my journey started,” she said. 

“I’m honoured to be connected to the military – both past, present and future.”  

At Housing 21, we’re proud of a military roots which lie in the Royal British Legion and recognise the diverse range of skills and experience those with military backgrounds can bring to our organisation which is why we signed the Armed Covenant Pledge 

We are committed to being an Armed Forces-friendly organisation ensuring no member of the of the Armed Forces community faces any disadvantage in public or commercial services. If you have served and would like to explore a career in housing, check out our latest vacancies.

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