Suki Kalirai - Deputy Chair

Suki joined the Housing 21 Board on 1 September 2020.

Suki Kalirai

Suki has spent overlapping time in multiple roles including ​20+ years in non-executive director roles in a diverse range of fast moving consumer goods, building and e-commerce sectors as well as Charities and Industry Association Boards in the leisure and hospitality sector most recently as Chair of the UK Government sector skills body for sport, physical activity and aesthetic wellbeing. Inaugural Chair of the UK Government’s Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education Employer Panel, a member of the All Party Parliament Group Apprenticeship Sector Development Board, and Chair of London Legacy Development Corporation.

Suki has spent 25 years in a wide range of senior executive roles across multiple functions including Coca-Cola, Forte & Le Meridien Hotels and Unilever - Dove Spa. He is a past advisor to the United Nations Secretary General for Sustainable Development (Earth Summit) supporting and liaising with leaders from 100 sovereign states on environmental and climate change policy.

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