Appendix 3: Role of the Chair  

The responsibilities of the Chair are to: 

  1. Ensure the leadership, and efficient conduct, of the Board’s business and of the organisation’s general meetings.
  2. Ensure that the organisation provides appropriate role profiles and competency frameworks for all Board Members. 
  3. Promote openness and debate and ensure that all Board Members are given the opportunity to express their views, and that appropriate standards of behaviour are maintained in accordance with a code of conduct approved by the Board.
  4. Ensure that the Respect and Inclusion agenda is integrated and considered throughout the business of the Board.
  5. Establish a constructive working relationship with, and provide support for, the Chief Executive and ensure that the Board as a whole acts in partnership with executive employees.
  6. Ensure that the Board delegates sufficient authority to its committees, the Chair, the Chief Executive and others to enable the business of the organisation to be carried on effectively between meetings of the Board; and also to ensure that the Board monitors the use of these delegated powers.
  7. Ensure that the Board receives professional advice when it is needed, either from its senior employees or from external sources.
  8. Represent the organisation as appropriate. 
  9. Take decisions delegated to the Chair. 
  10. Working in consultation with other Board Members ensure that: 
    • All new members receive induction training and that effective arrangements are made to enhance the skills, experience and knowledge of all its members with regular training and development activity on an ongoing basis. This should be based on an analysis of the training and development needs of individuals and the Board as a whole to ensure that individuals remain up to date and add value to the work of the Board.
    • The Board makes proper arrangements to appraise the performance of the Chief Executive. When necessary, the Chief Executive is replaced in a timely and orderly fashion. 
    • The Board makes proper and appropriate arrangements for its own appraisal and that of Board Members, including the Chair’s own appraisal, and for implementing a succession plan for Board membership. 
    • The level of any agreed Board Member remuneration results from an approved process that minimises the potential for conflicts of interest. 

The Chair of the Group (usually in conjunction with other designated Board Members) may also have responsibility for a number of specific functions including: 

  • Chairing of the selection panel for the appointment of the Chief Executive. 
  • Chairing the panel to appraise the Chief Executive's performance. 
  • Participating in the recruitment and selection process for a new Board Chair. 
  • As part of a panel, conducting appeals against a disciplinary decision against senior employees. 
  • Being an authorised signatory for contracts, cheques and other documents. 
  • Being part of the emergency response arrangements in relation to such events as fraud, major failure of services, etc. 


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